Channel: Final Fantasy Peasant
Category: Gaming
Tags: tokyo game show 2020final fantasy 16 reactionfinal fantasy peasantff 16ff16combatfinal fantasy 16 newsff7 remakejapanesejoshuaifritenglishfinal fantasy 16 trailerfinal fantasy 7 remakefinal fantasy 16 trailer reactiontgsfinal fantasy xvifinal fantasy 15final fantasy 16ffxivfinal fantasy 16 theorysquare enixfinal fantasy 16 storyfinal fantasy summonsphoenixfinal fantasy 16 ps5final fantasy theorysummonstranslationffpeasantgameplay
Description: In early Final Fantasy Peasant days, 2017, I made a vid discussing the potential of a Final Fantasy game going M-Rated. Now with the latest trailer of Final Fantasy 16 and many of your story theory ideas being pretty dark. I think this could be the one. Aswell as diving deeper into some story theory of Joshua, Ifrit, Phoenix and the summons / Eikons being emotionally connected to their Dominant. Similar to Final Fantasy 14. Is it possible Square Enix could go as far as perpetually burning a young boy as his emotions summon up the fight between Phoenix and Ifrit? Also a brief outline on Square Enix and who the team is working on FF16. With Yoshi-P as producer and Hiroshi Takai as director, its a FF14 creative business division 3 project. Ryota Suzuki from Devil May Cry is also looking to rehaul the combat system and gameplay of Final Fantasy quite drastically it seems. More for another video. P.s. Big spoilers for Final Fantasy 15 included in this video and a smidge of FF7 Remake. To join in on Patreon benefits and keep the FFP cameras turned on: CHECK OUT THE NEW FFP TEESPRING STORE! It has dankerinio designs!: Peasantbook! Land of 15k plus Pezzers: Donate/tip to feed a Peasant: The twitterings: To see livestreams & Playthrough videos: